Three little boys killed in fire after their grandfather's ex burnt his home a day after she was released from jail

Three boys aged 4, 6 and 10 were killed in a house fire started by their grandfather's ex-girlfriend.
The woman, Marian Evette Williams, 49, of West Davison Street in Bartow, Florida, had threatened to burn the house down a week before but was arrested after she was caught burglarizing the house. She was released from jail a day before the fire.

On Saturday morning, at about 4:30 a.m. a fire broke out in the house, killing Marcus Clark,10, Kiani Clark, 8, and Kemaren Clark, 4. The grandfather escaped with serious injuries and was admitted to the ICU while the second adult in the house escaped unhurt. Marian was arrested on Sunday and is facing charges of arson, attempted murder, and three counts of murder charges. She will remain in jail on no bond.
Marian has been in and out of prison since 1991 on charges like drug dealing, driving with a suspended license and felony DUI.

Neighbours reacted to the killing, saying it was a horrible thing to do, especially with kids involved.
"I think it’s almost [incomprehensible] that a human being could do something like that, knowing that there were occupants in the house,"a neighbour told Fox 6.
"Just very sad to hear that something, especially children, would die. It’s, it’s horrible."
"It was a sad morning just waking up to something like that, man. I mean it's involving kids,' another neighbour, Terry Bing, Sr., told NBC 2.
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